What is it all about?

I was thinking about this recently over a cup of Keto coffee. I posit the following definition.

Engineering is a system to make grand ideas real, one small step at a time.

That's it.

Say I want to build a Search Engine. How long will it take? What do I build first? How do I stay on track and not get side tracked building the wrong features? What is the best possible order of building components to maximize my output while minimizing time? How do I keep it running at scale? How do I keep it a high quality, accurate product in the face of constant evolution?

Engineering is the skillset you need to solve those questions.

Being an Engineer means you deal with:

So how do we get stuff done as Engineers?

We organize into teams. We take it one day at a time. We decompose giant complexities into manageable components, and tackle them one at a time.

That is an incredibly powerful skillset to have. And here's the key - they are skills that are not only applicable to making things, they can be applied to almost any challenge you face in life.

Therefore, learning to be an effective Engineer is the equivalent to learning how to be successful and efficient in life. All you've got to do is take those blinders off, and apply those skills to the rest of your life.

Imagine what you could accomplish.

© 2023, Adam Muhlbauer.