Rhythm over routine.

Some people swear by strong routines. You've probably read articles before about "The X habits of successful CEO A", or "Y things Wealthy Person B does". Clickbait. Perhaps routine works for some. Perhaps it creates a level of 'order' for those that can't stand chaos. But I struggle to make them work. Which is a bummer, because there are great reasons to establish routines. Less decision time in a day, a system to constantly make progress on your bigger goals daily, and a sense of efficiency.

For me though, it does. not. work. I have a deep down rebellious nature, so if you tell me to do something, sometimes a voice echo's back deep from within - "No. Fuck you". I tend to get into a flow and be more productive when things are on my terms and I do them when I feel ready. I need to feel like I'm not constrained to an unyielding, ordered schedule.

Rhythm over routine.

So, I'm trying something new. I'm trying not to build routines, instead, focusing my efforts to build a rhythm and momentum throughout the day. Let tasks naturally flow into another as my brain or intuition allows. Be water, my friend. Less making routines a forcing function I love/hate, more let my day unfold as it happens.

So far, I find that this small twist in thinking helps my own happiness. The less I fight my internal nature and roll with it, the better I feel while doing stuff, and that's the goal right? To be present, mindful and squeeze the most out of each thing you do.

I'm still at the start of playing with this concept. I'll update more as I go.

© 2023, Adam Muhlbauer.